Saturday, March 19, 2005


Gabi with Ninang Sylvia and Ninong Edward

Uncle Edward and Aunt Sylvia were finally able to come for a visit the other day, after a couple of weeks of quarantining themselves from our daughter for some upper respiratory infection. We had been waiting for both of them to be able to stop by before we invited them to be Gabi's godparents (in Tagalog, Ninong and Ninang). They were both surprised and excited about the invitation, and, of course, graciously accepted. We look forward to having them be such an important part of our daughter's life. We'll be sure to visit them every time we come back to Little Rock to visit with Lolo and Lola.

The new godparents were almost as excited about getting to hold our little baby as are her grandparents (almost, I say). It's funny how many veteran parents whom we've seen will comment on how tiny our baby is. Having worked in the NICU, I don't think she's all that small (and I'm glad of that). But, as evidenced by her size relative to this 0-3 month outfit she's wearing in the photo, they're probably right in saying that she's a tiny little baby.

We love our tiny little baby!


Anonymous said...

Yay for Ninong and Ninang! You're so lucky Gabi...they are such wonderful people! And you'll have such a loving Godbrother to teach you all about life (or at least about Disney). haha Congrats Uncy and Tita!

Anonymous said...

Have you guys been able to set up a date for Gabi to be baptisize? I hadn't seen any pictures of that so I thought I'd ask.

Gabi said...

My baptism will be April 23rd. Our parish doesn't do baptisms during Lent (which is a time of preparation for baptism). Lolo and Lola were out of town Easter weekend, we were out of town the following weekend, and April 23rd was the next weekend that Grampa had off work.