Thursday, April 19, 2007


When we tell Gabi, "no," often she will respond with an exaggerated pout. Somehow she is able to make her eyes all red immediately and just start crying, but it is all for show. Her face can look so pitiful, though; we find it amusing. Rather than retract our "no," we have to stifle a laugh.

Gabi's face after being told not to bang her fork on the table.

Gabi started to give up naptime shortly after Christmas. Now she only needs a nap about once a week, but she does still need "quiet time." (Apparently it is still called quiet time even if she isn't quiet at all -- often she will sit in her room and read books to herself or talk to her dolls and animals or sing songs as she plays.) Sometimes she does need to rest a bit, so she'll lay herself down for a short time (usually about 5 or 10 minutes). Other times I can tell she is tired because she puts all her stuffed animals down for a nap.

When it is bedtime, we have a set routine (as is helpful with toddlers): diaper change, pajamas on, brush teeth, read a book, turn out the lights, lie down, sing songs, put up the baby gate (to lock her in her room). Gabi always asks for "one more song" after you finish singing, no matter how many songs you have sung (and no matter how many times that evening she has said "one more"). That's our girl -- she loves music. (Well, that AND she's getting good at the delay tactics at bedtime.)

Gabi taking a rest break from playing.

Georgia Aquarium

Daddy and Gabi at the petting tank at the GA Aquarium.

Mommy and Gabi pet the cownose rays and bonnethead sharks.

We stop by Olympic Park after visiting the GA Aquarium.


Gabi smelling the flowers at church on Easter Sunday.

Gabi posing on the altar on Easter Sunday.

Easter Egg Hunt

Gabi reaching for an egg in the window.

Gabi found an egg in her play kitchen microwave.

Gabi opening an Easter egg to get the candy.

There's chocolate in the eggs!

As usual, Martin and Sienna come over the play on Thursdays.

Sienna and Gabi getting out all the stuffed animals.

With the weather so nice outside, we met our friends Kate and Luke and baby Caleb at Glenlake Park for a picnic lunch one day.

Luke drives Gabi in the school bus.

Caleb is happy teething on his mom's fingers.

Luke throwing rocks in the creek.

Gabi decided that she likes the swings now.
She used to be scared of them, but today she laughed and smiled.

For playgroup one week, we tried out a new playground: Avondale Park.

Gabi singing "I'm a Little Tea Pot" before she goes down the slide.

Gabi found a caterpillar.

And, of course, Gabi's baby dolls are always well taken care of.

Gabi holding two babies, Ella and Asha.


Anonymous said...

From pouting to pigtails, from swinging to singing - Gabi you are the cutest little girl ever!
Love Gramma Jane

Anonymous said...

Oh advice, give up on the pout now. I try to use it on your Tito and just get laughed at too. What a funny girl you are...manipulative just like your can ask your Daddy all about that. ha ha!

Mrs. Kensington said...

That's so funny. My daughters are named Ella and Asha. I did a GOOGLE search for "Ella and Asha" and saw your picture. She's cute.
