Thursday, August 25, 2005

1/2 Birthday: New Toys

Gabi is 6 months-old today! Come and see the new toys she gets to play with now that she's reached the recommended required age.

Of course, all this activity made our little one a little sleepy... so she took a nap in Mama's arms...

We have so many fun things planned for Gabi, since she's getting so big. This weekend, we'll have to lower the mattress in her crib, as she's getting quite good at sitting and standing (with support), and she's likely to start pulling up any day now. In the same line, we're definitely going to have to start childproofing, as crawling could start up any day now. Also, she's going to graduate to the next size of clothes (6-9 months). It's hard to believe she's growing so much! Finally, check out the next post for Gabi's latest new skill.

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