Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Visiting Atlanta

In the past few weeks, Gabriella traveled to Atlanta twice, meeting many new friends as Mama and Papa found a house. Everyone loved the opportunity to play with our sweet baby. Gabi spent a great deal of time with Peggy Tim, who accompanied Mama on many house-hunting explorations during the first trip since Papa was back in Little Rock.

While Mama and Gabi were staying with the Tims, Gabriella talked herself to sleep for the first time. It is nice that Gabi can now lie down in her crib and talk to herself until she falls asleep on her own, because even fun activities (such as walking around holding a baby until she falls asleep) can be exhausting in the middle of the night. It is also incredibly cute to listen to Gabi talking happily until she is too tired to stay awake. Gabriella repeated this nighttime activity on the second trip, when we stayed with the Cowdens. Gabi sure does like her little travel play pen!

Gabi meets Dr. Mike Tim

Gabi smiles at Peggy Tim

Tom Apker holding

Papa and John Cowden pretend
Gabi is playing the drums

Gabriella visits Stone Mountain
with her family (4/30/05)

Gabriella plays with Lisa Cowden

I must say that the picture of Gabi and Lisa is exceptionally adorable. Gabi was being so cute that day, just talking and laughing! I was glad to have the time to pay attention to her as well, since traveling and house-hunting was probably very boring for our little girl. Gabi does travel well, though, which made the trips easier for us.

1 comment:

Lissa said...

So Gabi was chatting with Jordan last weekend and did this thing where she talked and talked and talked--and then suddenly was asleep... It surprised and amused everyone in the room. Jordan said it was kind of like how Boo laughed at Sulley (in Monsters Inc.) and suddenly fell asleep. Cute!