Monday, April 25, 2005


Gabi watching her new toy.

Papa had his birthday last week. Gabi got her first present-on-someone-else's-birthday on that occasion. We're looking forward to a lifetime of being ignored as people pay attention to our captivatingly cute little girl. A few days ago, Lola got her some new outfits while she was out shopping for Gabi's cousin's birthday present.

More interesting from a developmental standpoint is that Gabi really seems to have mastered the art of tracking objects. Okay, so she hasn't completely mastered it just yet, but she's getting there. As you can see in this picture, she will stare for a good while at interesting things. She'll even follow them for a while until they go out of her field of view. Some of her favorite things to track are her Mama, the flashing musical star on her play gym, and the little animal friends on her crib mobile.

I know you might be thinking, "that's not such a big deal... tracking objects is pretty simple... I do it all the time without thinking about it." Well, it's not all that simple, apparently. For example, if you wanted to program a robot to track objects, you'd have to do something like this. I just find it amazing that her little brain is figuring out all that. I suppose I ought to also find it amazing that my larger brain can do that and then some, but I'm not a cute little baby.

Gabi is so smart.


Anonymous said...

Indeed. One of my friends here works in artificial intelligence, and one of the first puzzles he had to solve with his robot was how to get it to track objects and process that information. It really is pretty amazing how automatic the human brain does that, and without rebooting.

Anonymous said...

hey Melissa and Michael,
Gabi is so cute... Looks like she is growing quickly. Its fun to see her pictures. We can plan to meet once you move to Atlanta. Keep us updated.