Tuesday, April 05, 2005


As promised, bathtime photos!

Gabi's bathtub, ready for its inaugural bathing

Since our little one's umbilical cord fell off a little while ago, she's now allowed to have a real bath in her fun little bathtub, pictured above. She got her first bath a week ago, on Easter Sunday. She didn't enjoy it so much...

Gabi, less than thrilled with her bath

...but she's never been all that fond of baths in general. Still, we've had a better track record with this so far. Her subsequent bath was nearly atraumatic, until the water got cold.

Also pictured is our little hippo bath spray, which has these color-changing cheeks that tell us if the water's too hot. I'd just finished testing that feature in the first picture -- thus, the white cheeks. I find that the sprayer is more convenient and warmer than the dousing with a cupful of water that we had hitherto used, although I think that Mama still prefers the cup. I suppose that the pouring sensation will get little Gabriella ready for her baptism later this month.

Finally, here's another cute "snuggled-up in my towel" picture:

Gabi in yet another cute hooded towel!

I must say that hooded towels are perhaps my favorite baby item. I love giving them at baby showers, and I love having lots of them for our little girl. They're just so dang cute. This particular towel was actually sewn together by some of Mama's creative relatives in Colorado.


Anonymous said...

In the middle picture, Gabi does not look happy.

Mikey said...

In the first picture, Gabi does not appear.

Anonymous said...

Before you take your child back to the doctor's office for another round of vaccinations, please read this:



May The Lord enlighten you so that your wonderful baby doesn't have to suffer.

Mikey said...

Not sure why this pops up in a discussion of bathtime, but I respectfully disagree with Dr. Mercola and all others who raise our terror level regarding vaccinations. Regarding the facts of this accusation, I do not deny that the drug industry makes a lot of money off vaccinations every year, but it is a needed expense. The $25 educational videos advertised on your second link, however, are not. As a society, we have grown so accustomed to kids getting the vaccine and not the deadly diseases that we've forgotten why we give vaccines in the first place.

Let's look at Hepatitis B, for example. Hepatitis B is a viral infection of the liver that causes (as expected) liver disease. Of those not affected at birth, 30% of kiddos 1-5 years old will develop chronic disease, of which 15-25% will die. I doubt very seriously that autism is caused by Hepatitis B, MMR, or any vaccination, despite the exaggerated amounts of mercury present in the vaccines. But even if it were, it is my belief that the risk of death is significantly more serious than the risk of autism.

Finally, I take offense to your suggesting that our trusting researchers and medical professionals to know better than us means that we aren't enlightened or that we're bringing our baby unnecessary suffering. Medicine, even pediatrics, isn't easy enough for any parent to know everything. There's a reason why it takes all that extra schooling to become a doctor, you know. The Lord has enlightened enough to know that I don't know much of anything.