Saturday, March 03, 2007

February Summary

February was a busy month. Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what we did.

Martin came over to play every Thursday, as usual. Gabi and Martin are great friends, and they are learning to share and take turns. Here, Gabi is sharing her goldfish snack with Martin.

Gabi feeding Martin goldfish.

Gabi loves to wear pigtails!

Up until now, Gabi only knew how to open doors if she could twist the knob and push on the door. On the other side of the door, she was locked in the room. That made it easy to contain her in her room even after we moved her from her crib to her toddler bed. In February, she figured out how to twist-and-pull to open doors, and that opened a whole new world of freedom for her.

At night, she likes to get as close to us as possible to sleep. If we are awake, she will drag her pillow and stuffed animals towards us until she can see us. Then she'll take one step back (so we can't see her) and lie down on the floor to sleep. If we are asleep, she will come all the way to the edge of our bed and lie down beside us. If we lock our door, we'll find her in the hallway just outside the door in the morning. It's very cute, but I guess we need to put a baby gate up in the doorway to her room.

Gabi, Sienna, and Ava hold hands as they walk around the zoo.

Gabi's favorite activity at gymnastics
is hanging and swinging on the rings.

One day, we took Ava with us to gymnastics class.
The girls walked on the balance beam together.

Stephen and Lisa's wedding
We traveled to Ohio for the wedding of one of Daddy's college roommates. The other three roommates were all groomsmen. It was a fun weekend, and Gabi loved seeing snow. She also discovered that snow is COLD.

Gabi with Daddy, George, and Tim after Stephen's wedding.

The bride and groom (Lisa and Stephen) and Mommy and Gabi.

Gabi was excited to eat ice cream, and
she sat very still for Daddy to put ribbons in her hair.
The ribbons didn't stay very well, unfortunately.

Gabi doing the twist.
Gabi stayed up dancing at the reception until midnight!

Gabi ate some more dessert and told us she made a mess.

Gabi dancing with her new friend Joe.

Joe plays the bagpipes, so Daddy and George start Irish dancing.

Gabi playing in the snow outside the hotel.

Gabi's 2nd Birthday
Of course, Gabi also celebrated her 2nd birthday in February. Lolo and Lola came to visit for the occassion. We'll post pictures soon!

Gabi's birthday balloons.

Charleston, S.C.
The family drove to South Carolina for a short visit to historic Charleston. Look forward to pictures in a new post!

Waterfront Park in Charleston, SC

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