Sunday, December 31, 2006

Friends and the Aquarium

Gabi enjoys playing with her new toys (whether Christmas presents or hand-me-downs from cousin Steven).

Gabi riding her giant rocking Tigger.

Look, Daddy -- I can rock all by myself!

Gabi also enjoys her new train set.

Gabi helps Mickey and Minnie ride their train.

Of all her toys, sometimes fingers are the best.

Giddy-up, Tigger!


Martin and Gabi like to ride Tigger together.
It's much friendlier with two!

Gabi, Martin, and Ava all hide in the tent together.

We're so funny!

Mommy reads Ava and Gabi a book.

Martin wants in on storytime, too.


Why should I look at the camera when there are all these cool fish?

Gabi makes a face while Daddy smiles for the picture.

Mommy and Gabi with some colorful river fish.

Mommy and Gabi in a tunnel through the river tank.

Gabi found a tree inside the aquarium!

Gabi dancing with a new friend in front of the Amazon river fish.

Gabi gives her new friend a hug.

Gabi touching the interactive kiosk to catch the fish.

Gabi climbing on the "rock climbing wall" at Centential Olympic Park.

Gabi sliding down so she can climb the wall again.

Toddler Bed

Gabi and her new doll, Asha, hanging out in Gabi's new toddler bed.

Gabi feeding Asha a bottle.


Anonymous said...

Every day she's looking less like a baby and more like a little girl! What a sweetie!

And also, those trains with the wooden tracks? Are the best trains in the world.

magda said...

These are great pictures! Just a few more weeks and she'll be 3!? Don't mind me. I will sit here in amazement for a little longer.

Also, the pigtails? Cuteness abounds, indeed.

Lissa said...

Don't get ahead of us here! A few more weeks and she'll be 2. :) And Gabi loves the 'tails. Sometimes she asks for them specifically.

magda said...

I bet she can count better than I can at this point.

Lissa said...

Don't bet too much. Gabi does love to count, and she gets the numbers in order, but she tends to skip a few. She has two runs that she says most often: 1, 3, 6! and 7, 8, 9, 10!

I agree with Mary Beth -- she is more and more a little girl instead of a baby. :) And we love the wooden trains, too.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo for piglet tails...she's still a piglet, not old enough to be a pig. :)

Thanks for the updates sis...Jordan and I are finally smarter than our web cam and can now "talk" to Gabi rather than mime...although that was interesting. Hopefully we can chat this Sunday...we'll call you.