Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Baby and Bunnies!

Gabi has recently gotten interested in our pet bunny rabbits. Those of you who are up on your Gabi-trivia will recall that we have two bunnies:

A little boy bunny named Cody...

Cody is a Netherland Dwarf.
and a little girl bunny named Merlin...

Merlin is a Mini Rex.

You may remember them from this post, when Gabi was much smaller. The rabbits haven't grown much since March, but Gabi certainly has.

 March 2005September 2005
Table 1. Comparison of bunny and baby weights (in pounds).

We try to give our baby and our bunnies some time to get acquainted every day. It usually starts out with both parties being equally interested in each other, as demostrated by Cody's "bunny kisses" in this picture. Cody, being much more curious (and having an underdeveloped sense of self-preservation), needs no coaxing to come say hello. Really, the curiosity on the part of our bunnies probably stems from their desire to get a treat. But Cody's interest and the impending treats are usually sufficient to get Merlin, our wiser if more reticent rabbit, to come out of hiding.

Unfortunately, Gabi is too interested in putting things into her mouth to be allowed to handle apple treats. This prevents us from sharing pictures of the bunnies eating out of Gabi's hand. But we do hate to disappoint our bunny friends...

"Cody, stand up!... Good bunny!"

The "stand up" trick is usually well-received by Gabi, who rewards us with delighted cooing. Having brought the rabbits up to the front of their cages, we then give Gabi the chance to Pat the Bunny. This normally goes well as long as Gabi is gentle and the rabbits are still chewing their treats.

Invariably, however, our little 6-month-old (going on 7-month-old) gets a little over excited and will frighten the little bunny away. Rabbits are prey critters, you know, and they may not realize that the loud, bigger-than-a-bunny creature is not a predator. Then again, I'm sure that, given the chance, Gabi would put a bunny ear in her mouth.

Where did that bunny go?


Anonymous said...

Aww, cute furry things to play with. They're even better than the ones in the picture books.

Lissa said...

Yes, the size of the calf, and also perhaps his big slobbery tongue, which licked Gabi arm! I'm glad that she enjoys our rabbits. She also loves the neighborhood cats, although she is wary of the little barking dogs across the street.

Anonymous said...

One day late, but I wanted to wish Gabi a happy Feast Day for her saint! St. Michael and All Angels day was yesterday, September 25! My mom says you're supposed to eat duck for good luck! So happy feast day, Gabi!

Gabi said...

Thanks! I certainly did eat duck yesterday. I have a bunch of cute yellow duckies which I absolutely love to chew on! Yesterday was also my seven month birthday.

Lissa said...

The church here is celebrating the Feast Day of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael, archangels, on Thursday, Septebmer 29th.