Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Post-Call Face Massage

I came home post-call on Saturday and I was treated to my own personal face massage, complete with soothing drool therapy:

"You look tired, Papa!"

Our little one has very recently discovered that other people have faces which are fun to touch (or at this stage, grab and pinch). She's definitely getting into this "grabbing stuff and putting it in my mouth" skill. She managed to get Mama's nose into her mouth at church last week. Anyway, as I'm on call again tomorrow, I really shouldn't stay on the computer and write you all a dissertation on how appropriate all this is to her development. So um... read about all the fun stuff she can do here. Gabi's learning to do all the things she's supposed to do. (But you know that from following her blog, right?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, the cuteness factor on the planet just rose by a factor of, roughly, a gadgillion. Hey I work in the Office of Science; I know these things! Gabi must get it from her parents!