Wednesday, June 22, 2005


As Gabi's new favorite passtime is standing up, she really enjoys her stationary bouncer. She's still so small that we stuff a blanket around her to help support her, otherwise she wabbles a bunch. She enjoys watching the duck and batting at the other toys on the saucer, but she is startled if she punches the star (which makes it sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) or spins the rattle cylinder full of colored beads (which makes a fair amount of noise). She can turn all the way around in the bouncer, although I'm not convinced that she intends to do so when she does. Gabi likes this toy that allows her to stand up so much that she'll play happily in it for quite a while, especially if she can see me the whole time.

Gabi playing in her bouncer.


Anonymous said...

Ah! I love that toy! I remember Stevenio playing in that when he was a wee boy...she sure looks like she enjoys it! I'll have to come play...and soon. Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

She really looks like she enjoys that colorful bouncer!

And she also looks like she's been upgraded from buttermilk to ice cream! Good lord, what do you feed that child?

(Chubby babies are healthy babies. I'm glad to see her so happy!)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see her in her bouncer again.