Wednesday, November 08, 2006

20 Months

Gabi on the stairs at Callanwolde before Kindermusik.

Gabi is like her Daddy--you cannot distract her when the TV is on. Some of Gabi's favorite words this fall are Irish!, Football!, Touchdown!, and TV! One Saturday, we put her down for a nap at halftime, but she woke up quickly asking for "More football! More touchdown! Go Irish!" so we let her stay up to watch the rest of the game. She recognizes the ND leprechaun and football helmets, and sometimes she recognizes the interlocking ND as well. She also thinks the TV and newspaper and solely dedicated to football. (Well, we don't let her watch any other TV, and she sees the football pictures in the Sports section of the paper.)

Gabi visiting Lisa to watch a football game.

Gabi, John, and their dog, Clara

The other night, Gabi was woke up crying and sounded really distressed, so I went in to check on her. Maybe she had a bad dream or something. When I opened the door, she said, "Hold you!" and put her arms up, so I picked her up and rocked her until she calmed down. When she was calm and I was about ready to put her back in her crib, she said, "Happy." Aww!!! How could I put her down now? She told me she was happy being held and cuddled by her mommy... so I rocked her a bit longer.

That was not the first time she had used those words, but it was just a really cute story. I was impressed with her understanding of emotions. Previously, I only heard her exclaim "Happy, happy!" when she was singing and dancing to music. This was a calm, quiet activity, just being content in my arms in the dark, and she told me it made her happy. That made me feel special. Sometimes the Mommy is important.

Gabi in the garden when we went to visit Daddy.

Daddy listening to Gabi's heart.
Gabi put the stethoscope on her chest by herself!
She also knows it goes in her ears, but it's not comfortable for her.

Gabi in the ECH garden.

It's cold outside now.
Time for Gabi to wear the red jacket!

This red jacket has been passed through
all the children in Daddy's family.
It's still a bit big for Gabi, but she'll grow.

Gabi likes to put her feet on the table while we are eating, but she knows it is against the rules. The other day, when her friend Kira was over, Gabi put her foot on the table and I didn't say anything. Gabi then said, "Feet down! Feet down! Say it!" I asked her, "Say it? Do you want me to tell you to put your feet down?" and she smiled and nodded her head yes. "Feet down," I said. Gabi laughed and put her foot down and then crept it up again until just her toes were on the table. That little trouble-maker! How are we supposed to teach her table manners if she thinks our request is a game, not a reprimand?!?

Gabi thinks it is a funny game to put her feet on the table at mealtime.

Gabi loves to put her shoes on.

Gabi playing with her "popcorn" popper.

Gabi riding her new car.

Gabi dancing to her airplane music.

Gabi loves this new airplane toy,
especially since the found the "radio" button.

Gabi hiding in her tent. Peek-a-boo!
In addition to being a great place to hide, the tent is her
favorite place to go when she is tired and ready for a nap.

Gabi building a block tower.

Gabi admires her block tower.

Gabi can see her reflection in that top block! How fun!
"Gabi!" she exclaims.

Gabi on the slide at Medlock Park.

Gabi is shy about crossing this wobbly bridge,
but Martin runs across fast and is coming up behind her again.

Gabi spots a helicopter in the sky.

"'Copter!" Gabi says.

Gabi and Ava playing in a toy house at playgroup.

Gabi playing with a music table at playgroup.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THE RED JACKET!!! I was wondering what happened to that...what a great family tradition. Gabi looks great in it...esp. with that Gonzaga bulldogs shirt underneath. Woo Hoo!! Gabi is my mini me...haha :)