Friday, August 18, 2006

Imagine It!

Gabi loves shoes. Anytime she finds one, she wants to put it on. One pair of shoes just isn't enough; more is always exciting. Mommy fears that this (along with her love of purses) is a scary predictor of the teenage years...

This shoe fits on over Gabi's sneakers!

Gabi modeling a new shirt, shawl, and hat. Cute!

Imagine It! Children's Museum
This week, playgroup was at the children's museum in downtown Atlanta. There were so many things to explore!

Gabi befriended a cat and took it for a ride down the slide.

Gabriella, the artist.

Gabi creating her masterpiece.

Washing our hands after we paint.

Gabi found tapdance shoes!

Look! The kids on that TV are tapdancing!

Gabi tapdancing with Daddy.

Mommy tapdances with Gabi, too.

Gabi tries on some hats.

Gabi playing dress-up with Mommy.

Gabi and Mommy in the garden.

Oooh! Rocks and a ladybug!

Gabi peers down the pipe where she just tossed a ball.

Gabi and Daddy pull the rope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so cool that Gabi has such opportunities to explore so many new things. Her curiosity and keen interest in everything are very good signs. And of course she is so pretty from my biased point of view. Good job Michael and Melissa !