Thursday, July 27, 2006

Summer in Atlanta

Gabi running into the shower
when we visit Daddy at work.

Zoo Atlanta

Gabi loves to see the panda bears.
Gabi calls them "bur" and they say "grr."

Gabi riding the tractor in the petting zoo.

Gabi touching a millipede at a bug talk.

Fernbank Museum

Gabi and Mommy happily being chased by a dinosaur.

Gabi says dinosaurs say "roar!"
She calls them "'saur" and she is using her tiger sign.

Gabi doing her drink sign
while we learn about chocolate drinks.

Gabi and a giant cocholate box.

Gabi meeting a hissing cockroach.

Gabi investigating a tarantula.

Daddy and Gabi find a giant clam shell.

Daddy and Gabi enjoy the fish.

At Home

Gabi playing with Merlin and Cody
while Daddy washes their cages.

Gabi feeding Cody some hay.

Gabi climbing into her stroller.

More Zoo

Gabi and Mommy looking at the sheep.
Gabi says sheep say "baa!"

Gabi and Daddy see an elephant statue.
Gabi says elephants say "eeeh!"

Gabi doing her elephant sign while drinking some water.


magda said...

I just wanted to say "thank you" again for posting pictures of your beautiful daughter. I especially like the 'tiger' sign in front of the dinosaur skeleton!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful girl! And such a brave mama -- if I have kids, we are not looking a giant millipedes and cockroaches and spiders because I will be too busy freaking out.

I love the elephant sign with the sippy cup!

Mikey said...

Mama didn't freak out, but she did take a few quiet steps toward the back of the room when the hissing cockroach was brought out. She took a few more steps back when it was later dropped on the floor and started scurrying our way. Still, I thought she was very brave.