Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Fun with Papa

It is with much fanfare that we bring you a post full of pictures of Gabi playing with her Papa. Gabi actually spends much more time playing with Mama, but there isn't always someone around to take pictures. Mama is an excellent photographer when it comes to catching the baby playing with her silly Papa. So here's that fanfare we promised...

Look! It's Gabi's first non-percussive instrument: the cardboard tube. We've discovered that the cardboard tube has many uses, most of which will be more fun when Gabi girl gets older. For now, she's working on her embouchure.

Papa Papa! Put on your shoes! We're going to the park today! (Shoes, like cardboard tubes, are apparently fun things to play with. Mama and Papa have to check their shoes carefully before putting them on -- to make sure there aren't surprises hidden inside, like rice or little bottles of lotion.)

Gabi really likes playing on the slide. Here she is testing one out on her own. She's also modeling her Gonzaga shirt that Tita Chrissie gave her.

She's already figured out how to sit down at the top. After that, however, she needs a little assistance. She's not quite big enough to ride down all by herself just yet.

It's fun to ride down in Papa's lap (or Mama's lap for that matter). Papa has discovered that he's much too large for the twisty slide these days. He hopes that Gabi learns to ride down by herself soon, because it's kind of uncomfortable.

Gabi can ride down the shorter slides with just a little help staying upright. The problem with riding down by yourself when you're little is that, being a little top-heavy and you tend to fall backward and bonk your head on the slide. But a little bit of parental truncal support goes a long way. (Where "a long way" is defined as "roughly 5 feet of blue plastic.")

The monkey-bar dome is a fun toy, even if you're not an experienced climber. They can be fun for walking under and modeling your Gonzaga gear, or you can practice your monkey-swinging (again with a little paternal help). Gabi was also interested in watching the older kid perched atop the dome.

We also conducted a short science experiment on the effects of static electricity on unruly baby hair. After reviewing the results of this experiment, we have devised the following Einstein-Gabriella Equation:

(Plastic playground equipment)
---------------------------------------------     =     funny^42
      (Static) + (Gabi's hair)

One more piece of plastic playground equipment, and we're done. Gabi enjoyed exploring the crawl tube. Crawling is something in which she has months of experience, you know.

Crawl tubes are also fun for playing peekaboo! Gabi got plenty of mileage out of one of her newly acquired words: "Boo!"

Well, just watching all that playing made Mama and Papa feel exhausted. After a busy day playing in the park, Gabi can be pretty tired too. It's definitely beginning to feel a bit like summer here in Hotlanta. Good thing you can sleep wherever you want to when you're a cute baby.

Before bedtime, though, Gabi wanted a bedtime story. Since Mama and Papa had already read most of Gabi's books about 50 times that day, we had Strong Bad read Gabi an email or two. He obliged, but was a bit perturbed that we thought he'd be adequate entertainment for a 14 month old.

Wait, do you people think I'm intended for children? Like, the littlest, tiniest babies?... I don't think I'm cut out for that sort of sugarjob.
                                                  -- Strong Bad, SBEmail 110

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