Thursday, February 02, 2006

A Tooth and More!

After two weeks of little to no sleep, we can finally announce that Gabriella has her first tooth! It appeared on Tuesday, January 31; Mama noticed it about 5 AM when she was feeling to see if that is what was keeping us up all night.

Gabriella has also mastered two signs: more and finished. Currently, the more sign is very specific; it means "More food, please!" She has generalized the finished sign very well, though--"I'm finished eating" and "I'm finished having my nose wiped" and various other reasons that she wishes to signal "all done!"

Gabi showing off her
wrinkly-nose smile
as she eats Veggie Puffs.

Gabi stands up to reach
the star on her door.

Gabi and Ella bundled up
outside the coffee shop after music class.

Gabi eating a tomato slice.
Finger foods are fun!

Gabriella walking and talking;
she has so much to say!

Gabriella loves to walk
with her walker.

Gabi signing more
to ask for more string cheese.

Gabi signing more again;
she's so good at communicating!

string cheese is yummy!

Gabriella playing with her door
--it's her favorite toy.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear her tooth came in. Hopefully the next one will be less difficult. And we are so proud of her learning to sign. What an intelligent little girl she is.

Mikey said...

What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the signing!

Thesis: Gabi looks a lot like her mother. (I'm serious; I see a lot of Lissa around the cheekbones and smile.)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about the severe lack of sleep but I'm happy for Gabi and her first tooth. I concur with Mary Beth; I see alot of Lissa in Gabi's facial structure as well. All my best; I'm so happy that you all seem to be doing well!